For Individual

A deep-rooted passion for a ‘Cause’ and ‘Banner’ is something extraordinary, which exhorts men and women to rise way above and beyond the normal call of duty.



Understanding young people’s worries and fears is a minefield unlike any other. Key Challenges faced by young adults are education & employment, mental health, social media, peer pressure, self-image, and uncertainty.

Are our educational systems and society prepared to help these young individuals navigate these problems while pointing them in the right direction?


Transitioning from a young adult seems overwhelming. Key Challenges faced by adults are career decisions, financial worries, relationship issues, workplace matters, and failures.

Is there a support system that these adults rely upon to face the challenges?


Gender imbalance builds stress and frustration among women, both in the workplace and in society. A balanced mindset amidst adversity is a key skill needed to succeed.

The Challenges that women encounter in a male-dominated workplace and society: career decisions, financial worries, relationship issues, workplace matters, and failures. Is there a support system that these adults rely upon to face the challenges?


Starting your own business is everyone’s dream. What are the major factors and challenges to be considered before making a move? Is there some kind of support system or forum for guidance which can be relied upon before taking the plunge?


When adjusting one’s way of life to conform to that of civilians after serving in the military, it is important to take into account one’s own skills as well as the resources that are now at one’s disposal. How are you supposed to make sense of all the numerous options that are open to you? Attaining one’s aspirations and objectives while maintaining a satisfactory equilibrium between one’s professional and personal spheres of existence. Concerns about one’s health and well-being How can one go about cultivating an environment that is not associated with the armed forces? The Army Way will help you overcome all of your concerns over things that are unknown to you.

Military leadership is demanding and requires
extremely sterling personal qualities and character

Change Starts with a Single Step

Join me on this adventure of getting things done, through “The Army Way”.

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